Orders are expected to ship by Christmas if ordered from the US. Worldwide orders may ship a little later.
OhSsnap will fit on any phone without a fingerprint scanner on the back. If you do have a rear fingerprint scanner, you may need to consider fitment issues. With our current resources we are unable to provide a catalog with phone sizes. However, if you go to this website you will be able to compare sizes. The OnePlus 5T just about fits an Ohsnap, so use it as a baseline.
Phone Cases?
Ohsnap works with most phone cases. However, if your case isn't flat or has obvious texture to it, Ohsnap may not adhere. Ohsnap also does not stick to silicone (very flimsy and soft) cases.
We want to make sure you are satisfied with your Ohsnap! Please contact us at support@ohsnap.com if you have any problems.